al-quran is like my oxygen..
without al-quran, i'm lost..
without al-quran, i'm sick..
without al-quran, i'm dying~

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


assalamualaikum... may peace be upon you...
first of all.. i just wanna say billion, trillion "THANK YOU" to my beloved friends *no need to list down their names*... bcoz of your supports.. menyokong aq yg nk change from a good to a better state.. thank you very much... what did i've changed?? hmm.. so many things had happened to me.. things that make me think back about my purpose of life in this ephemeral world.. things that make me felt that i'm just a little dirt on this earth of HIM. things that make a lot of changes.. physically, mentally..

on 28th February arie tu, *wat entry ni kol 1 pagi 29 Feb* my friends and i went to a great Talk given by Imam Muda Hasan Adli.. GOD!! wawa pegi talk??? wawa pegi ceramah agama?? well, i think this is the best way to improve myself and yet, improving my inner soul and mantapkan lagi my faith.. :') i'm trying to istiqamah and hoping for a good result.. :) bukan result exam yea.. but a good result in the hereafter.. inshaallah... :')

errr... wawa nak wat entry nie dlm bahasa okeyh peeps.. one more thing, entry kali nie agak panjang la as i compiled all the events that i've joined last week... :) so, let's move on yawwww~

semalam, kol 8.00 malam, wawa gie AMF HALL sbb de talk.. as the "Ethical Muslimah For a Civilisation Generation Campaign" met its closing ceremony, so, pihak Uia jemput IMAM MUDA HASAN ADLI to give a talk about 'MISSING THE MAN THAT I HAVE NEVER MET".. hmmm.. agak menusuk kalbu la title talk mlm tu... the man?? sape the man that i rindu tapi tak pernah jumpe.. that man is OUR BELOVED PROPHET NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.. :)  errr.. korang kenal tak IMAM MUDA HASAN ADLI tu?? kalau tak kenal, meh sini.. check da pic below yawww..

dye smpi ngan isteri beliau kol 8 lebey ar.. then, de bacaan ayat suci al-quran.. spe ntah yg recite tapi seyesly, sedap, lunak, mantap ar suare brother tu.. next, brulah start talk tu..

from front : nadia, hanin shafikah

and the new me...

so, meh aq citer sket pe yg aq salin, pe yang aq dapat dari talk tu~

1st ) 1 kali kite berselawat, Allah akan ampunkan kite dan beri kite nikmat 4 kali ganda.. inshaallah. *SELAWAT SEKEJAP*

suatu hari, saidina umar kelihatan tersenyum sorang2.. tibe2 dia menangis.. sahabat bertanya mengapa dia tersenyum dan lepas tu menangis.. and guess what did saidina umar jawab?? beliau jawab
"aq tersenyum sbb aq teringat akan diriku semasa di zaman jahiliah. aq mengutip kurma, aq gumpal-gumpalkan, membentuk TUHAN aq, aq bawa TUHAN ku ke padang pasir, dan bile aq lapar, aq makan TUHAN aq..sbb TUHAN aq dibuat dari kurma.. kemudian bile aq membuang hajat, keluar semula tuhanku. betapa BODOH dan JAHILnye aq.. dan sebab aq menangis juge kerana teringat diriku di zaman jahiliah.. aq membunuh anak aq sendiri.. aq tanam dia hidup2.. dia merayu-rayu pada aq, tapi aq takde perasaan.. dan aq bunuh dia. betapa JAHIL dan BODOHnya aq..

ade seorang ahli suffah, namenye JUNAIDID.. die tidakberkahwin dan ade org tanye dye kenape dye tak nk kawen... dye kate "aq tidak ade keturunan, aq tiada ibu ayah, aq tidak kaya".. then, RASULULLAH pinang seorang wanita untuk JUNAIDID.. keluarga wanita tu tak nk JUNAIDID.. but wanita tu terima pinangan tu sbb wanita tu kate "kalau rasullullah yg mencadangkan dia untuk aq, maka baiklah lelaki itu, maka adalah hikmah aq berkahwin dengannya. and rasululah berdoa supaya they all kekal aman bahagia.. but, JUNAIDID join perang... abes je perang, rasulullah kate "kite sudah kehilangan JUNAIDID" dye dah membunuh 7 org musyrikin dan dye juge terbunuh.. then, rasulullah sendiri yg meletakkan jenazah JUNAIDID dlm liang lahad dan beliau memuliakan jenazah junaidid.. disebabkan isterinye taat kpd rasulullah, ramai yg nk kawin ngan isterinye disebabkan kemuliaan suaminya, JUNAIDID..

Rasulullah mengumpulkan orang arab quraisy.. baginda bgtau yg baginda suke sngat kat AMRU, sorang hamba allah ni... AMRU ni bkn org ISLAM.. So, bile baginda cakap yg de suke kat AMRU, org lain pown menyampai-nyampai la sehingga smpi ke pendengaran AMRU.. then, satu hari, tengah jalan-jalan, AMRU terserempak dengan Rasululah, pastu rasulullah senyum dengan seikhlasnya dan pastu lari... AMRU pelik ar sbb  rasulullah senyum kat dye.. pastu, satu hari tu, AMRU menyamar dan ikot belakang RASULULLAH. dye tanye, *dalam keadaan menyamar* "wahai ya rasulullah, siapakah yang kau sayang" dan rasullullah kate, "isteriku, anak-anakku.." AMRU tanye lagi, dan rasulullah pown cakap la sahabat2 nye.. AMRU tanye sape sahabatnye, dan rasulullah pown listkanlah sahabat2nya.. tapi takde satu pown name AMRU.. AMRU cam pelik la.. and lastly dye pown tanye, "siapakah orang yg kau suka, yg kau sayang, yg kau bagitahu pada orang arab quraisy?" and finally rasulullah jawab" orang itulah AMRU" lepas tu, AMRU POWN TEROS MASOK ISLAM SBB SIFAT RASULULLAH YANG PENYAYANG DAN SEBAB SENYUMAN BAGINDA KEPADANYA. MORAL OF DA STORY------> senyumlah pada semua orang... kerana senyuman itu adalah tarikan positif sehingga boleh mengubah persepsi seseorang terhadap agama islam.. :)

4th)ok.. citer yg ni agak sedih.. basah tudung.. sobs sobs.. KISAH HUTANG NABI MUHAMMAD..
surah al-maidah ayat ke 3 diturunkan semasa haji terakhir RASULULLAH.. haji terakhir?? means rasullullah akan menemui ajalnya.. :'(.. then, abu bakar menangis, dan para sahabat tanye kenape nangis.. abu bakar kate yg rasulullah akan meninggalkan kite semue.. so, sume para sahabat menangis..  pastu rasulullah berkhutbah.. baginda kate,
"aq ibarat bapa kamu, andai aku pernah behutang denganmu, tuntutlah"
baginda ulang 3 kali sbb takde sape pown sahabat yg bangun cakap dyeorg berhutang dngan rasulullah.. tibe2 de soramg sahabat, ABU QASYAH bangun... dye kate..
"ya rasulullah, 
aq tidak tahu hal ini hutang atau tidak,
dahulu, semasa kau hendak menggerakkan unta mu, kau memukul untamu,
dan tongkat pukulan mu terkena aq"

then, rasulullah kate, "itulah hutang. maka pukul lah aq"
abu qasyah kate lagi, "sesungguhnya, aq mahu memukulmu dengan tongkat yg kau terpukul aq itu."
para sahabat marah2 la.. "wahai abu qasyah, rasulullah sudah banyak berjasa kpd kite, kau masih mahu menuntut hutang?"
then, rasulullah kate, " tidak mengapa.. wahai BILAL BIN RABAH, pergilah ke rumah ku, ambillah tongkat ku."
and bilal pown ke rumah baginda, ambil tongkat tu...
pastu abu qasyah kate, "wahai rasulullah, semasa kau terpukul aq dulu, aq tidak memakai sehelai baju pown.."
dan rasulullah pown membuka bajunye..
para sahabat mmg dah nk mengamuk la..
sehingga umar, ali, abu bakar berdiri untuk menggantikan diri mereka.. juge cucu-cucu rasulullah...
dan abu qasyah tetap meneruskan niatnye untul memukul rasulullah..
sikit lagi tongkat tu nk kene batang tubuh rasulullah, abu qasyah teros peluk rasullulah..
abu qasyah berkata sambil menangis..
 "ya rasulullah, aq berbuat begini, kerana aq sangat mencintai mu wahai rasulullah..
aq berbuat begini kerana aq mengasihi mu wahai rasulullah...
aq mahu kulit aq bersentuhan dengan kulit mu wahai rasulullah..
supaya kulitku tidak dibakar neraka kerana telah bersentuh dengan kulitmu yang mulia"

semua yang mendengar menangis.. finally, rasulullah kate, wahai sahabat sekalian, andai kamu mahu melihat ahli syurga, lihatlah abu qasyah...
so, sedihkan citer rasulullah... andai rasulullah hidup di zaman ni kan, msti baginda sedih.. sbb manusia sekarang sibok ngan duniawi, lupe kehidupan hakiki di akhira nnt.. sibuk kejar kebahagiaan dunia yang tak pasti tapi lupe akan janji allah tentang kebahagiaan hidup di akhirat yang pasti.. korang bayangkan, tiba-tiba rasulullah ketuk pintu rumah korang, ape yg korang nk buat??nk jemput masuk rumah?? okay, then what?? tidak malukah kite kalau rasulullah ke rumah kite, dan time tu kite sume ngah sebok berfb, bertweet, beryoutube, berk-pop, ber'running man', ber'drama'.. contohla, kite tengah bertweet and berfb, then rasulullah tanye, dengan siapa kamu berhubung?? mcm mane kite nk jawab kalau mse tu kite tngah berflirt ngan pakwe (YANG HARAM UNTUK KITA)?? Tak malukah kite.. hmmm.. wallahuallam... :) jangan tepuk dada tanya selera, tapi tanyalah iman.. tanye selera nnt huru-hara.. so, ADA AKAL, GUNAKANLAH.. ADA AGAMA, APLIKASIKANLAH.. ADA IMAN?? MANTAPKANLAH.. wallahuallam...
then, de Q&A session.. de org tanye, mcm mne nk istiqamah(berterusan) dlm melakukan sunnah rasulullah??
then IMAM MUDA HASAN kate, mmg susah zaman sekarang ni nk wat baik.. sbb org akan kate, "eleh, nk tunjuk baik la tu.. alim la tu konon" but the fact is, when we did the good deed, allah tidak akan mensia-siakan amalan kite.. so, pekak kan telinge, kite enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.. amar makruf nahi mungkar... biarlah ape org nk kate.. biarlah ape org nk keji.. yang penting, allah tahu siapa diri kita...

captured by pkah, posing by me, witnessed by hanin and nadia.

so, what can i conclude here is, all the values, characteristic of rasulullah s.a.w mesti difollow by all people in this world of HIM... jgn sombong,bongkak riak sbb ape yg kite ade kat dunia nie adelah sesuatu yng tak kekal dan tak pasti.. so, kat akhirat nnt, allah akan bagi segala keadilan, balasan either baik or jahat bergantung pada amalan kite kat dunie.. so, menanamlah di dunia, dan menuailah di akhirat.. maksudnya, kumpullah amal kebajikan di duna, dan tebus la hasilnya d akhirat.. inshaallah.. we will be a winner in this world and in hereafter.. sorry, if there is any spelling error.. typo..biaselah.. hehehe... menaip smpi kol 4 pagi.. almost 5am.. hmmm.. lastly but ot leastly, biar kite hina di sisi manusia, tapi mulia di sisi allah... inshaallah..



thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Monday, February 20, 2012

story mory time..

assalamualaikum... may peace be upon you..
not updating for weeks huh =.="
lately, i'm being busy with assignments, lab reports, quizzes, tutorials, and also the mid term exam is just around the corner... 5th march.. inshaallah.. i need some spaces,some time and some motivation to boost up my inner spirit.. my soul.. +.+
for the past weeks, soooo many things and events were buzzing around me.. so, let just summarize the whole story...

1st) story about a windy and chilled night...
huh, sounds creepy right... actually, this story is about 4 hungry-kebuloq-lapaq girls of mahallah zainab.. ceyh.. then, we had our dinner at mahallah aisyah's cafe as our cafe makanannye tak sedap.. *shhh.. off record* then, we posing2 la in front of AMF HALL, perut kenyang hati pown suke... so, just check out these pics peeps~ 
from left : farah diyana, me *the blue one* and shafikah~

introducing to you : my friend from sabah, MIRA *center*

the "gojes" posing~ *ala-ala saloma gitu*

calon2 isteri pilihan~ gagagaga...

the "anggun" people..
now, lets move on to the next story..

well boys, girls and their shopping world tak boleh dipisahkan.. FULLSTOP. enough saying... :) we went to mid valley on ntah bpe haribulan.. forgot suda... okay2.. dh ingat.. we all tak balek rumah for thaipusam and maulidur rasul holiday.. so, to release our tension as assignments bnyk gler bertingkat-tingkat, we all pown meng'outing'kan diri ini.. check'em out~ zooooommmm...

me and nadia, waiting for hanin yg bz pilih kasut ^^

shafikah and her slumber + sempoi posing

girls + shoes = HEAVEN!!

from the top : pkah, hanin, nadia.. me?? the photographer~

tutti fruity awesome weyh...

dlm bas pown sempat... pkah pikachu~

betapa kosongnye bas, sume org balek rumah.. sobs sobs.. T_T

so, proceed~ to the next story... remember RAFEST?? that i've already mention here~ about my blood donating.. if you're from the future and not read it yet, jgn malu2, click je di situ.. tak mau sudah.. *buekkk :P* ergh.. snap out of it.. back to the story.. zooommm~

finally, Rafest met its ends.. huuu... kalau tak habis, mkin pokai aq ni~
me and farah diyana~

muke berseri pabila dh kenyang~

di belakang tu pkah pikachu~

okeyh.. kami bahagia di uia~

spe snap pic neyh?? wallahuallam... aq tak tau nme beliau..

di bawah rembulan~ opss.. tiang lampu.. 

penghuni bilik 321b.. mira dan pkah~

yg besar kongsi 4 org.. dan yg kecik?? sorang.. ish ish.. *geleng kepale*

saya budak baik
the end~~ oop oppp... one more thing, i've already recited surah al-furqon to my beloved MR, ALIZAMAN D.GAMON, a Philipino and yet my teacher for subject BASIC THEME OF QURAN.
thanks a lot to my roomates yg tak henti dengar aq tasmi', also to my sir, classmates, juge roomates kpd classmate.. sobs sobs.. TT__TT

i'm using these to boost my mind and memory~ yeah, helpful indeed..
oppsssss, lastly but not leastly, i just realize that my name was listed in counseling programme.. duhhh~ i wanna free from all these kind of thing... come on... i need rest maaa~ sangat annoying when people said " memey ar, nme pown dah budak uia, mestila kne baik2, kne bnyk g kaunseling" well, hello~ what about the others?? what about the non-uians?? darn~ aq cam a little bit sad as exam dah nk dekat, then, kne pegi event ni plak.. haishh... *istighfar sat* so, i fixed back my niat, aq pegi jela.. lilahhi ta`ala... it's all about HIM..

8am weyh.. tsk tsk~

do see my name???  urghhh *tarik rambut*

thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Friday, February 3, 2012

when my bored mood is switching on~

assalamualaikum... peace be upon you. :)

its holiday again... *cuti je memanjang* *sigh*
my roommates will be going home during thaipusam holiday and also the maulidur rasul.. so, me?? home alone~ T_T *tnggl sebatang kara not kera dlm bilik ini*

i'm not going home as my assignments bertingkat-tingkat, memorizations of the surah-surah, hadiths.. gosh~ the only solution for these problems above is ---> hang jgn p mana2, hang dok dlm bilik senyap2.. jgn gerak seinci sekalipown..*melainkan solat, tidoq, mkn, minum, mandi, dan buang hajat* sit in front of the holy quran, notes, my headphone stuck onto my ears, hitting my eardrums, with anwar hadi's videos are accompanying me.. H.A.H.A.. *bahagie lah tu konon~*

but, i'm not a robot, aq bukanlah robot berupa manusia tanpa perasaan, i'm just a little-small-not very big- girl with a little bit of intelligence. takkan nk study 24/7 kan... so, i've planned with my gang (also tak balek umah sbb bnyk keje) to lepak-ing at mid valley.. mid vally je??? okay what~ but that's for tomorrow..

how's today?? well, i took my chemistry quiz early in the morning tadi~ .. such a frustration. duh~ but well, i think i've studied a lot and much harder than last sem... what a great improvement... *tahniah* then, i've downloaded all anwar hadi's videos, mat luthfi's videos and also the running man show *k-pop tak dilupakan* but, yet, i wonder~ when will i get to watch all of these videos?? soooooo many thing i 've to do.. *facepalm* (@.@)"

so, i blogwalking here and here and there, i found an interesting quiz in one of the blog that i've jejak tadi.. quiz where we can get to know or understand ourselves much better... *tapi, tak yh nk caye sngtla~ but, i just gave a shot* so, here's the results.. *some are true but not accurate, you know what i mean?*

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. (??) You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. (its kinda true~)
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. (but, yes, anwar hadi is still on the top of my list.. *shy shy laugh*)
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready (??) to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. (but i've never dated seriously.. believe me.. just sekadar suka-suka.. zaman jahilliah lagi~)
Your views on education
You may not like to study ( soooo true!) but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger  to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature  (??), reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
where did i found this quiz?? ouw yeah, in other's blog.. actually, if you want to know more about yourselves, just click here peeps~.. no need to trust totally, but can be an inspire or motivation right?? think of the bright and positive side okay peeps~

kalaulah ade case org mati kebosanan, comfirm, i'm the first~ alhamdulillah, i have my friends to be with and of course ALLAH to accompany me all the time.. thanks ALLAH for being with me when the others can't.. hmmm.. one of my azam this year is to improve my writing, communication skills in english. so, if there is any spelling error or grammatical error, i'm very very sorry from the bottom of my heart.. i'm still learning okeyh~ 

errrrmm, need my beauty sleep now, *baru abeskan 2 yogurt, tros tido, pemalas btol anak dare neyh, isteri sape lah ni.. i mean, anak sape lah nie..hehehe~*

i don't have any best picture to share but i just realize that i have kinda smiley eyes *my friends told me, than barulah i realize*

just ignore the person bajet kiut above there peeps~


thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

my first experience.. blood donating..

RAUDHAH FESTIVAL or RAFEST for a week in UIA~ there are so many stalls, exhibitions, and much more...

today, i've done something that i really really want to do a long long time ago~ which is donating my own blood.. alhamdulillah... my wish has been granted by allah... :) actually, i don't know why i donated my blood just now.. but what i want is to save people that really need the healthy and safe blood.. so, without any delay, after class, i rushed to market in my college to buy bread.. unfortunately, the nurse in charged said, "makan roti je tak cukup, adik kene mkn nasi" so, i went straight to mahallah's cafe and grabbed my lunch.

then, i came back to the hall and filled up the form... then, after the interviewer asked me whether my weight is above 45kg or not.. and of course, it's beyond 45 kg.. hehehe.. 48.1 kg.. *ok,saye tahu sye kurus* then, he asked if i had any chronic disease.. and of course, i don't have any~ then, i checked my blood (A postive) and also the blood pressure (119/80) *so healthy* next, i proceed to next counter to register myself and got a certificate, blood donation book where i can donate again next time by using that book and also keychain but i don't know where did i put that small thing.. T_T nevermind~

i went there alone as my friends really scared of the needle and they don't have enough sleep *study kot*...   i just found out that if we want to donate blood, we must sleep for more than 5, for those that only sleep about 3 or 4 hours, hmmm... simpan je la niat tu dulu.. must above 45 kg, no chronic disease,no HIV *of course*, age must between 18-60, not having any health problem even flu sekalipon.. selsema tak bley yea.. *naseb bek selsema 2 weeks ago..* and the most important thing is EAT~ must eat before donate.. makan nasi la~ so, enjoy the pictures below~

tested to get the type of blood.. *snapped in my room*
 actually, i did not realise when the syringe entered my vein.. huhu... i'm busy with my phone actually.. gagaga~

woohooo... takut plak tengok~
nie kak intan yg sedang dicucuk-cucuk~

this is my hand not leg.. heheh.. *tak sakit pown*

my blood.. full.. 360 ml.. about 450 g.. :)
tak tau npe msok dlm test tube pulak.. nevermind~

just a small needle.. not a big deal..

*bajet cedera parah*
replaced back my blood.. ferrous fummarate and folic acid

donate again?? next time, i will~ 

these are what i got.. also PAHALA..

And, after the blood donating, I went around the hall, cuci2 mata sat and then i saw something.. there was a stall that sold gadgets.. any gadget like lappy cooler, headphone, pendrive, hard disc and much more.. at first, i felt so tired,but then my eyes turned "bling bling" when i saw those gadgets.. muahaha..*my heart started to whisper "beli, jangan tak beli, nanti rugi"..
so, this is the result... heeeheeehheee.. from left is the new headphone, the middle one is mini vacuum for my beloved lappy, and the last one is pendrive 4G.. hard disc?? hmmm... i'm waiting for the pc fair soon.. hehehe..


nota kaki : sorry for any spelling error and the grammatical error..

thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Monday, January 30, 2012

my classmate already married.. me??? gagagaga~

act, i want to make this entry about couple days ago.. but... hehe.. assignments maaaa~ a ton of works need to do!!!!streeessss~ hmmm.. couple days ago, i went to my classmate's wedding.. it's actually not wedding or nikah or sanding2 event.. but a simple and great majlis kesyukuran.. her name is siraj munira.. she is a friend of mine in arabic class.. when i first saw her in class, my first impression towards her was "woahhh... what a beautiful lady..." (O_o)"
with her tudung labuh, sweet face and her sweet smile, she made all students speechless last week... hahah.. so funny la budak kelas aq neyh...  she already nikah la about last sem, during sem break.. in december... this is her nikah picture.. i found it from other blog.. heheheh...

so comel la~

nice couple~ :)

"curik" or "steal" from other's camera~ sorry :P
i don't know whether my classmates,i mean the boys, know the fact that she already married...  the girls in my class love to gossip2 kan.. that's why la bru budak lelaki sume knew about her...  in 3rd class of the arabic class *if i'm not mistaken* she gave me her card.. i'm sooooo happy plus speechless.... i don't know why i'm acting like that... hehheh... terkejut kowt.. =.=" then, we (the girls) planned to go by  cars.. yati and yong will drive as yong knew the venue... so, just enjoy the pictures below~ :)

we~ waiting for the cars *ok, i admit it, i'm look fat and chubby here"dang~

posing first, eat later.. *my busuk face*

which one is the bride?? gagagaga~
my besties and the bride~
ohoho~ *sebak terharu*
amek berkat sat~ O_o" *pergh, red eye. mate  aq slek sket*

not full yet :P
last posing in yati's car.. go home.. i mean, UIA.. gagaga.. *hormon tak stabil, muke senget benget*


thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..