al-quran is like my oxygen..
without al-quran, i'm lost..
without al-quran, i'm sick..
without al-quran, i'm dying~

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

my first experience.. blood donating..

RAUDHAH FESTIVAL or RAFEST for a week in UIA~ there are so many stalls, exhibitions, and much more...

today, i've done something that i really really want to do a long long time ago~ which is donating my own blood.. alhamdulillah... my wish has been granted by allah... :) actually, i don't know why i donated my blood just now.. but what i want is to save people that really need the healthy and safe blood.. so, without any delay, after class, i rushed to market in my college to buy bread.. unfortunately, the nurse in charged said, "makan roti je tak cukup, adik kene mkn nasi" so, i went straight to mahallah's cafe and grabbed my lunch.

then, i came back to the hall and filled up the form... then, after the interviewer asked me whether my weight is above 45kg or not.. and of course, it's beyond 45 kg.. hehehe.. 48.1 kg.. *ok,saye tahu sye kurus* then, he asked if i had any chronic disease.. and of course, i don't have any~ then, i checked my blood (A postive) and also the blood pressure (119/80) *so healthy* next, i proceed to next counter to register myself and got a certificate, blood donation book where i can donate again next time by using that book and also keychain but i don't know where did i put that small thing.. T_T nevermind~

i went there alone as my friends really scared of the needle and they don't have enough sleep *study kot*...   i just found out that if we want to donate blood, we must sleep for more than 5, for those that only sleep about 3 or 4 hours, hmmm... simpan je la niat tu dulu.. must above 45 kg, no chronic disease,no HIV *of course*, age must between 18-60, not having any health problem even flu sekalipon.. selsema tak bley yea.. *naseb bek selsema 2 weeks ago..* and the most important thing is EAT~ must eat before donate.. makan nasi la~ so, enjoy the pictures below~

tested to get the type of blood.. *snapped in my room*
 actually, i did not realise when the syringe entered my vein.. huhu... i'm busy with my phone actually.. gagaga~

woohooo... takut plak tengok~
nie kak intan yg sedang dicucuk-cucuk~

this is my hand not leg.. heheh.. *tak sakit pown*

my blood.. full.. 360 ml.. about 450 g.. :)
tak tau npe msok dlm test tube pulak.. nevermind~

just a small needle.. not a big deal..

*bajet cedera parah*
replaced back my blood.. ferrous fummarate and folic acid

donate again?? next time, i will~ 

these are what i got.. also PAHALA..

And, after the blood donating, I went around the hall, cuci2 mata sat and then i saw something.. there was a stall that sold gadgets.. any gadget like lappy cooler, headphone, pendrive, hard disc and much more.. at first, i felt so tired,but then my eyes turned "bling bling" when i saw those gadgets.. muahaha..*my heart started to whisper "beli, jangan tak beli, nanti rugi"..
so, this is the result... heeeheeehheee.. from left is the new headphone, the middle one is mini vacuum for my beloved lappy, and the last one is pendrive 4G.. hard disc?? hmmm... i'm waiting for the pc fair soon.. hehehe..


nota kaki : sorry for any spelling error and the grammatical error..

thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Monday, January 30, 2012

my classmate already married.. me??? gagagaga~

act, i want to make this entry about couple days ago.. but... hehe.. assignments maaaa~ a ton of works need to do!!!!streeessss~ hmmm.. couple days ago, i went to my classmate's wedding.. it's actually not wedding or nikah or sanding2 event.. but a simple and great majlis kesyukuran.. her name is siraj munira.. she is a friend of mine in arabic class.. when i first saw her in class, my first impression towards her was "woahhh... what a beautiful lady..." (O_o)"
with her tudung labuh, sweet face and her sweet smile, she made all students speechless last week... hahah.. so funny la budak kelas aq neyh...  she already nikah la about last sem, during sem break.. in december... this is her nikah picture.. i found it from other blog.. heheheh...

so comel la~

nice couple~ :)

"curik" or "steal" from other's camera~ sorry :P
i don't know whether my classmates,i mean the boys, know the fact that she already married...  the girls in my class love to gossip2 kan.. that's why la bru budak lelaki sume knew about her...  in 3rd class of the arabic class *if i'm not mistaken* she gave me her card.. i'm sooooo happy plus speechless.... i don't know why i'm acting like that... hehheh... terkejut kowt.. =.=" then, we (the girls) planned to go by  cars.. yati and yong will drive as yong knew the venue... so, just enjoy the pictures below~ :)

we~ waiting for the cars *ok, i admit it, i'm look fat and chubby here"dang~

posing first, eat later.. *my busuk face*

which one is the bride?? gagagaga~
my besties and the bride~
ohoho~ *sebak terharu*
amek berkat sat~ O_o" *pergh, red eye. mate  aq slek sket*

not full yet :P
last posing in yati's car.. go home.. i mean, UIA.. gagaga.. *hormon tak stabil, muke senget benget*


thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

sikap cepat terasa hati memakan diri...

aq bru je abes study circle..
belajar psl taaruf..
taaruf bermaksud kenal.. atau suai kenal...
maksud "kenal" bukan sahaja hanya sekadar tahu nama.. tetapi kite kenal hati budi, peribadi, latar belakang keluarga seseorang... bukanlah kite nie busybody nk tahu bnyk bende tetapi kite kne tahu sesorang itu dngn lebey mendalam supaya persahabatan kite ngan seseorang tu kekal lama...
so, mse dlm kelas tadi, sume org bagilah kelemahan dan kekuatan diri... bgi aq, untuk senaraikan kelemahan diri mmg senang dan laju je.. tapi bile part kekuatan diri, kne pikir bnyk kali... aq de ke kekuatan diri.. kuat ke aq...
ini adalah kerane, kelemahan diri adalah sesuatu yg kite sndiri sedar dan begitu juge ngan org lain.. tapi bgi kekuatan diri, kite tak boleh nk nilai kebaikan kite.. orng lain atau masyarakat yg menilai diri kite sbb kite selame ni bknnye berkomunikasi ngan diri sendiri.. tapi kite lebey bnyk bersama,berkomunikasi ngan org lain. so, org lain yg patut menilai kekuatan kite.. bukan diri kite...
yg aq prasan.. dlm kelas aq, majority tulis salah satu dri kelemahan dyeorg adalah mereka seorang yg cepat terasa hati.... bagi aq, aq lagi TERASA HATI ngan org yg CEPAT TERASA HATI...  kite ckp sikit, dah nk terase.. adoi aiii~ kalau asyek nk terase je, bile kite nk maju... kalau asyek terase ngan teguran,bile nk improvekan diri tu??? haishh... aq agak tak gmr la ngan sikap segelintir org yg cepat terase ni..  tapi, ade gark yg terase disebabkan gurauan ... yea.. tu aq sokong.. kalau dh gurau melebey-lebey tu smpi tak jge perasaan org len, tu kuang ajar nmenye....  so, sikap "cepat terasa" nie atau "cepat sensitip" atau "sesentap" ade kebaikan n keburukannye.. tapi bgi aq, sikap nie kikis la.. tak yah la nk cpt sngt terase.. bgi aq org yg cepat terase nie org yg tak reti nk sabar.. aq ngaku aq ni agak tak berape nk penyabar, tapi at least, aq tak cepat terase.. ngan bende kecik pown nk terase... so, chill la... konon kte diri dh matang, konon kte diri tu dh besar.. dh anak dare umo 19 thn, tapi bnde kecik pown nk terase..... sengal~ T__T
so, end of the story... moral of te story.. kikislah sikit demi sikit sikap tak bpe elok tu supaye hidup aman harmoni.. ceyh gitu.... so, aq pown sme la gark.. tahan2 la sikap t8~.. assalanualaikum....
thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Monday, January 23, 2012

luahan perasaan part 1...

sekarang ngah cuti raye cine..
homework tak brape bnyk.. tp, kalau dh tak paham, mmglah nmpk banyak je homework tu.. haish...
phy... aq agak slow sket la bab physic ney... tak sebulu...
chemist plak... alahai.. aq mcm pham2 ta brape phm...
then, btq.. basic theme of al-quran lagi dasyat..
aq tak bpe pick up sngt ape yg lecterur ckp.. english dye aq tak bpe phm sngt... dye org philiphine...
T__T uhuk.. sedey woo.. kat bilek aq study sorang2 la btq... pastu kne hafal surah al-furqon..
dri ayat 61 smpi 77.. wat mse ni dh hafal 7 ayat... alhamdulillah...
kat umah skunk ni, ayah kne selseme.. adek pown.. skunk berjangkit kat aq... aisey.. mmg kompirm la aq akan jangkitkan selsema nieka budak kelas... tak pown roomate.. hikhik..
blek umah arie tu, first time blek sendiri... imean, slame ni, ayah akan hantar pastu jemput balek dri pj ke melake, daru melake ke pj.. arie tu, aq nek ktm sndiri2.. *walaupown de kwn* pastu, beli tiket sndiri.. hukhuk.. penat.. dahlah bwk buku 6 kilo... buku chemist je dh 3 kilo.. phy lagi.. man~
aq cam susah lank study kat umah, sbb kalau wat tuto, de problem, aq tak tau nk tnye sape.. kalau msg mcm susah tau.. nk explain kan soalan lagi.. kalau kat uia, senang sket.. kwn sebelah bilk je... mak aih....
so, 24 nieblek semule ke uia.. hehehe... i like~ bukan bermaksud aq bencidokumah, tapi, aq rse selese sket nk blaja... :)
then, pe lagi aq nk tak tau nk luahkan kat spe... kalau nk diluahkan kepada insan bernama manusia, alamat mabuk org tu kalau dngr aq menceceh... bek aq membebel kat blog... haaa~
mse sem lps, aq pegang biro art and culture... pastu, aq engatkan, pegang jawatan untuk stu semje.. pergh... rupenye sataun.. aq dh tak nk la pegang pape jawatan.. aq benci meeting... dh le lame... bengong je.. kalau kejap pown, bknnye penting sngt pown.. aq ingat nk quit, tapi spe nk gantikan aq.. and then, aq rse cam dose plak lari dri tanggungjawab.. takpela.. aq kne bertahan lagi stu sem je.. sabo je la.... T__T
td dh cte psl phy,chem ngan btq.. pastu meeting bongeng.. skunk psl lappy plak...
hishhh.. aq bru pasan de bnyk gler semut kuar dri lappy nie.. bodoh btol la semut.. pehal la ko wat umah dlm lappy aq nih~
aq rsau la... exam lps result aq ok la... but tak excellent la.. tak mcm kengkawan aq.. 4 flat bertingkat-tingkat.. cis... sedeynye.... aq risau for this sem plak.. chemist phy ngan btq.. bley ke aq nk lps pointer 3.5... mak aih.. risau risau...
and the last one..part ni aq segan la.... errr... nie tok "si dia"... errr. bkn teman istimewa.. tapi kawan je..
aq tau aq dh sombong skunk.. tak layan ko.. dh tak ckp ngan ko... tp tu tak bermakne aq tak nk kwn ngan ko.. ko relek suda.. kite kwan la weyh.. tapi, aq tak tau la.. tak tau npe aq nyampah bce facebook ko.. gedik je ngan budak tu... aq tak bermaksud nak jauhkan ko ngan budak tu.. aq tak jeles ngan ko.. tapi, kalau ko rse budak tu baik, alim, tu ko punye pasal la.. tp, bgi aq,.. seorang muslimah yg baik takkan menggedik-gedik nak gurau senda ala-ala laki bini ngan seorang lelaki yang bukan mahramnye.. muslimah yg baik tak kan tergedik2 layan post ko, wall ko, pujuk rayu seolah-olah korang couple.. muslimah yang baik, akan cube jauhkan diri dari zina hati... fitnah dan anasir2 jahat.. aq tak kte aq nie muslimah yg baik... tapi, aq cbe elakkan diri aq dri bnde2 merapek, gurau2 gedik2 kat facebook... lps ni, lps ko bce entry aq nie *kalau terbace la* aq hope ko STOP la ngan budak tu.. aq bgtau ko sbb aq kawan ko... bukan sbb aq jeles ke ape.. aq cbe wat ape yg seorang kawan harus buat.. nasihat sahabat dri buat sesuatu yg merugikan dan akhirnye merugikan diri.. mungkin ko ske la budak tuding labuh, bertutup sume dari atas bawah..tapi, ko kne ingat, dalaman pun kne amek kire... last but not least, ko jgn salah tafsir nasihat aq.. bkn aq jeles.. bukan aq cemburu.. bukan aq sedih, pilu adau hampa... tapi aq sayangkan ko sebagai seorang sahabat.. aq tolong ko, ko tolong end of the story... assalamualaikum~ :)
thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..

Friday, January 6, 2012

musim kembali ke sekolah... UIA~

assalamuaalaikum.... ya habibi ya maulana mari baca entry ana...
musim ke sekolah kini sudah kembali~ :) adek2 darjah satu yg baru nk kenal erti sekolah mesti nanges2, rindu mak, rindu botol susu yg ditinggalkan.. students form 1 plak bru nk kenal erti sekolah menengah.. mesti rindu kat cikgu sekolah rendah, tak pun rindu kat marka/aweks.. ceyh... :) and students form 3 pasti ade yg say goodbye kat skolah lame, and berhijrah ke sekolah baru untuk kejar impian masing-masing... yang best budak lepasan spm lah... semestinye.. dah tamat dah zaman sekolah.. dah tamat dah zaman pakai baju sekolah, and bakal melangkah ke alam dewasa yang banyk ranjau, racun, penawar dan madu..

dan aku?? yeah.. selamat kembali ke uia~ 8hb daftar... 7hb dah bertolak.. g jumpe akak yg juge nk konvo 8hb neyh.. so, abes konvo, brulah daftar... >.< sikit gler barang.. 1 luggage, 1 kotak besar.. baldi.. beg lappy.. terkejut aq.. mse dftar dlu 1st sem.. haishh.. barang mcm tak nk balek umah lansung... haha...

so, end of my story.. can't wait to meet roomates and classmates..... >.< and also.. sit for my math exam.. T_T

megi kari berapi tambah cili padi...
perut ku kenyang hati pun suka...
Tetibe aku sedih, pilu dan sepi...
hai.. just wanna say, SELAMAT TINGGAL MELAKA~ (;__;)/


thanks for visiting my blog..feel free to drop your comment... saranghae..